GULAI (Indonesian : gulai ayam kampung)

Free-range chicken has less fat and tastier tastes. If you process free-range chicken, bro, for young chickens so that the meat is not tough. The following is Kampung Chicken Curry Recipe that you can try at home. 

Kampung Chicken Curry


1 young chicken, cut 12 parts
1 liter of coconut milk from one coconut
1 tablespoon of cooking oil


2 orange leaves
2 cardamom fruit
3 centimeters of cinnamon
2 cloves
2 sticks of lemongrass, bruised
1 tablespoon of tamarind juice
1 tablespoon of fried shallots for topping


8 shallots
6 garlic cloves
4 red chilies
1 teaspoon of ground pepper, roasted
2 teaspoons of coriander, roasted
1 liter teaspoon, roasted
1 teaspoon of cumin, roasted
1 teaspoon of fennel, roasted
2 centimeters of galangal
2 centimeters of turmeric, roasted

How to make:

1. Season the pieces of chicken, fry in a lot of oil until cooked and brownish yellow. Lift. Set it aside.
2. Heat one tablespoon of cooking oil, saute all the spices until fragrant. Add lemongrass, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, orange leaves, and lemongrass. Cook while stirring until fragrant.
3. Pour coconut milk and tamarind water. Cook until the coconut milk is boiling. Add pieces of chicken. Cook until the sauce thickens slightly. Lift.
4. Pour curry into the serving dish, sprinkle fried shallots. Serve warm. For 7 servings


Klabet is a kitchen spice in the form of yellow seeds. Its function is to give a savory taste and thick texture. If the alphabet is not available it can be replaced with candlenut. Roast the cherry before smoothing it to make it smell more fragrant.

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