Caramel Cake

Traditional Indonesian cakes are very diverse. In addition to its delicious taste, the look is also appetizing. Like this caramel cake. The texture is interesting because it has fibers resembling ant nests. 

Caramel Cake

Ingredient A:

350 grams of sugar
350 ml of water
1 sheet of pandan leaves, conclude
4 leaves of kaffir lime

Ingredient B:

130 g of medium protein flour
5 chicken eggs
100 ml of sweetened condensed milk
150 grams of margarine, melting
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of fine / sufficient salt

How to make:

1. Heat the sugar to become caramel. Pour water, pandan leaves, salt and orange leaves. 
    Cook until boiling and slightly thickened. Measure 400 ml of liquid caramel. Set aside and chill.

2. Beat the eggs and salt until they expand. Add flour, caramel, baking soda, and melted margarine.        Stir well.

3. Prepare a baking sheet that has been smeared with margarine. pour the mixture, evenly

4. Oven in a temperature of 140 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes or until cooked. Lift. Cool it down.

5. Remove the cake from the mold, cut it into pieces. Serve it for 12 pieces

Note: Preheat the oven before the mixture is baked to make a nice caramel cake.

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