3 Variant Infused Water

Infused Water
Not ordinary drinking water

The body needs about 2 liters of water a day. Of course it's boring to drink that much water. To fulfill your water needs, you can process it into infused water that has an aroma, taste, and of course enriches vitamin intake, especially a class of vitamins that dissolve in water.

Culinary trends always develop every time. One of the things that is being discussed is the habit of drinking infused water. Is drinking infused water healthier. What are the nutrients contained? What fruits are suitable for making infused water? after reading this article, you will get the answer.

The community's healthy life will become more entrenched. If you used to drink soda water is considered cool, now it has started to be abandoned because of poor nutrition and high sugar. Fruit drinks such as juice, smoothies, ice cocktails, green tea, or yohurt are increasingly in demand. In addition to its fresh flavor, this drink also contains many vitamins and minerals that can maintain and maintain a healthy body.

Infused Water?

Infused water is actually white water which is added with pieces of fruit or spices, left for a few moments so that the nutrients, aromas, and juices dissolve into the water. This water is drunk and is called infused water.

Don't False Choose Fruits and Spices

Many different types of fruit can be used to make infused watter, but there are certain fruits that are not suitable. Acidic fruits such as lime, lemon, sunkist orange, peach, pear, plum, star fruit, melon, kiwi, strawberry, blueberry, apple, and cucumber can be used to make infused water. The spice group is usually selected with fragrant herbs, for example mint leaves, lemongrass, or cloves.

Don't use fruits that taste too sweet. Fruit is too sweet and soft texture like mango, avocado, banana, papaya, soursop, and watermelon are easily damaged because the sugar and starch content will ferment into acid if soaked in water for too long. The soft texture of the fruit will also pollute the color of the water to be cloudy and the drink is not attractive anymore.

Gaseous fruits such as durian or jackfruit are also not recommended. Although fragrant, these fruits can cause stomach acid disorders. As much as possible, always use organic fruit. This type of fruit is richer in nutrients and does not contain contaminants so it is healthier.

Never add milk in an infused water. The milk is easily damaged after being mixed with water so that the infused watter's storage power is very short. Sugar syrup or granulated sugar is also not recommended. The high sugar content will make the oil easily damaged and the taste becomes acidic because of the fermentation process that occurs naturally during the process of storing infused water.

How to make?

Making infused water is very easy. Prepare 1 liter of cold boiled water. Wash the fruit with running water, and rinse with boiled water. Cut the fruit and put it in a bottle or place that has been filled with water. Cover the bottle tightly and store it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Remove pieces of fruit, and the infused water is ready to drink.

Make sure the bottle or packaging is used to make the infused water sterile. Water the bottle first with hot water or boil for a while so that no decomposing bacteria can contaminate infused water.

Replace pieces of fruit or spices after soaking for 2 hours. The texture and taste of the fruit will change, as if it becomes brownish in color because there is a reaction of browning enzymatic or oxidation with air. This condition indicates the quality of the fruit is no longer good and the nutrients are damaged.

How Long Hold?

After 2 hours, pieces of fruit are removed and infused watter can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days. After this period, the water will change to acid, the quality of nutrients decreases and it is possible to develop microorganisms that can interfere with the health of the body. Infused watter is best taken after 2 hours of fruit immersion. After 2 hours, the quality of nutrients will usually decrease, especially if the water is not stored in low temperatures. Do not drink infused watter if there has been a change in taste, such as being too acidic or deviant.

Contained Nutrition

The main ingredients of vegetables and fruits are vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are very good for maintaining and maintaining a healthy body. Soaking pieces of fruit in water can dissolve vitamins, especially groups of vitamins that dissolve in water such as the family of vitamins B and vitamin C. Some of the fragrance in the fruit will also dissolve so that the infused water will have an aroma according to the type of fruit soaked.

Despite its many benefits, drinking infused water does not mean there are no shortcomings. There are several things that need to be observed so that you are not mistaken in making or consuming infused water. Fruit that is too acidic is not recommended for those of you who suffer from stomach acid disease. Water and the place used to make infused water must also be sterile so that the water is not contaminated with microbes which can actually cause diseases such as diarrhea. The presumption of people who consider infused water can make a slim body is not entirely true. Infused water will only deceive the stomach because the stomach is full of water and feels full so that appetite is reduced. This condition can reduce the body's nutritional intake if you do not eat foods that meet all elements of balanced nutrition.

Actually, to get the benefits of fruit, we can eat fresh fruit directly or be processed into fruit juice or ice with pieces of fruit. In this way, we not only get vitamins and minerals, but also fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and other phytonutrients that are beneficial for our health. But there's nothing wrong, for a variety of drinks you consume fresh and healthy infused water. Curious to try it?


3 Variations of Infused Watter

In order not to get tired of consuming water, you can treat water into a scented drink, taste fresh, and certainly healthy because it contains dissolved vitamins. This water is popularly known as infused water. Do you want to make it at home? The kitchen team tests our doctors to prescribe 3 infused water recipes for you. The choice of recipes is Water Mint Aromatic, Ginger Citrus Water, and Mixed Fruit Infused Water. Good luck.

Aromatic Water Mint


1 liter of boiled water, cool
50 grams of lemon juice
50 grams of Japanese cucumber pieces
6 mint leaves
Ice cubes as needed

How to make:

1. Prepare cold water. Add the lemon, Japanese cucumber and mint leaves. Cover tightly and store in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
2. Add pieces of ice cubes in the infused water and serve immediately. For 4 servings

Ginger Citrus Water


1 liter of boiled water, cool
50 grams of lime juice
50 grams starfruit, cut into pieces
5 centimeter ginger, thinly sliced
Ice cubes as needed

How to make:

1. Enter the lime slices, star fruit chunks, and pieces of water ginger. Cool for 2 hours.
2. Pour water and its contents into a serving glass. Add pieces of ice cubes. Serve it. For 4 servings

Mixed Fruits Infused Water


1 liter of boiled water, cool
40 grams of mandarin orange slices
40 grams of strawberries
5 mint leaves

Ice cubes as needed

How to make:

1. Prepare water, put in mandarin, strawberry and mint leaves. Cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
2. Prepare a serving glass, pour water along with its contents. Add pieces of ice cubes. Serve cold. For 4 servings

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