Beef Teriyaki from restaurant to your home, "Yummy"

Enjoying restaurant-style dishes doesn't always have to be a restaurant. You can make it yourself at home. Like the beef teriyaki recipe ala Hokben restaurant below. Guaranteed the taste is no less delicious with restaurant dishes. Good luck!

Beef Teriyaki


250 grams of sukiyaki meat (thinly sliced ​​sirloin meat)
6 tablespoons of cooking oil


100 onions, cut the match
4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce
1 tablespoon of teriyaki sauce
1 tablespoon of Japanese kikkoman soy sauce
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of sake
1 tablespoon of manjo kirin (sweet sake)
1 teaspoon of dashi no instant moto / meat broth
1 centimeter of ginger, grated, squeezed the water

How to make:

1. Heat oil, saute onion and garlic until wilted and fragrant.

2. Enter the slices of teriyaki sauce, granulated sugar, sake, manjo mirin, ginger juice, and all other spices. Cook while continuing to stir until all ingredients are cooked. Lift.

3. Pour beef teriyaki into the serving place. Serve. For 5 servings


Teriyaki meat can be replaced with sirloin meat, freeze in the freezer for one night, thinly sliced ​​with a sharp knife.

Tie no moto: Instant fish broth, can be replaced with instant meat broth, can be obtained at Japanese food outlets

Manjo mirin: is a sweet sake commonly used for cooking. For sale at leading supermarkets at Japanese kikoman food outlets. (Insert foto manjo mirin)

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